I am a student at Tawa Intermediate School, Wellington, NZ. I am in Room 13 and a member of the amazing Pouakai Syndicate. My teacher is Ms Tito.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Matariki panels

How do you celebrate Matariki? well I'll tell you how room 13 celebrates It, we made Matariki panels. Matariki is a cluster of stars also known as pleiades. It signals the Moari New year, It comes early may.

Our first step of making a Matariki panel was to draw our designs on a peace of paper, There were three slots ,the top is representing new growth,The middle one representing you and your family. And the last one is Matariki.

Second we painted our panels black and then taped it with masking tape. We then drew our designs on our panels. My top slot is a koru with little korus growing from it representing growth, My middle design is triangles which is me and my family.In the triangles are leafs and nature. Last but not leased my last slot.The seven stars which is representing the 7 sisters.

We then cut out our shapes and designs. After we cut them out we painted them, Mine turned out really bright, we then started ripping of the tape that acted as stencils.

Over all It really enjoyed it, but it was really hard ripping of the tape. I hope to do it again sometime.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Trip to Taupo

It was a hot sunny day and the traffic was moving like a Snail ,  So me and my family went out for Ice-cream. They were huge, it was a Ice-cream Heaven with chocolate bits in it. After that we got back on the road, we past heaps of smelly farms.

As we got to Taupo we saw all the snow. We stopped the car and had a snow fight , i got hit in the face  and my nose  started bleeding thanks to my older brother! Then we set off to find somewhere to stay, After a hours worth of looking we found a motel by lake Taupo. We all got settled in. Me and my sister had to share a room,while my brothers got their own rooms. Later on that day mum took us to lake Taupo. I was so happy I ran straight in, I didn't realize what i got myself into, I kept looking under the water like something was going to pop out. As i was about to completely scream my head off I saw a little thing in the water so i decided to go and play on it.

My mums friend had to come and get me because i didn't want to swim back. We spent three days at Taupo most of those days were sight seeing and long walks. After that my legs were so tired so i went to bed as soon as i got home.